Principal Investigator

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexandra Schneider
is professor of film studies at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. She is interested in film and media history with a focus on de-centering traditional narratives. She pleas for unsystematic and non-chronological perspectives in film historiography. Apart from MGFM, she is also PI at "DiCi-Hub: A Research Hub for Digital Film Studies" and at the Research Training Group 2279 "Configurations of Film".
Principal Investigator

Dr. Imme Klages
researches and publishes on various aspects of German film exile. She completed her doctorate with a thesis on the films of director Fred Zinnemann and his exile experience. In her postdoctoral research, she combines digital methodology with film-historical questions. In MGFM her focus is on tracing the routes of flight, the collaborations of film exiles, as well as the transmission of cinematic knowledge especially for exiled cameramen.
Data Scientist

Saeideh Safat Zadeh, M.A.
studied media informatics in Duesseldorf, media cultural studies and media informatics in Cologne. In her master's thesis, she worked on machine learning processes for pattern recognition in graphs. For MGFM she is responsible for the data modelling and analysis.
Student Assistant

Nicolas Alexander Jakob Frenzel
studies Film Studies and Audiovisual Publishing. He takes care of the MGFM project website and helps with literature and data processing.
Former members of the project: Simone Nowicki, Lea Melcher and Isabelle Braun have supported the project as student assistants.
Dr. Raul Torres has supported the project with his respective expertise.
The project application was developed with a IFF-starting grant (Internal University Research Funding).